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Tsinghua Computational Chemistry Database (TCCDB)


Uploading the *.xyz file OR Download the *.xyz file

Please select the file you want to upload

Please input the name and then download the *.xyz file:

The Example of H2O.xyz which you want to upload


Notes: Name:H2O, Ref:      Source:   Date: 2018.12.01    Author:Yang-Yang Zhang and so on

O    -0.36635006     0.46811397      0.00000000

H     0.59364994     0.46811397      0.00000000

H    -0.68680464     1.37304980      0.00000000


* The first line of *.xyz file is the total number of atoms, such as 3 for H2O.

* The second line of *.xyz file is some notes for the file, such as the name, source, reference,  author, institution, method, date and so on. You can write down the information as more as possible.

* The third line to the last line are the chemical symbols and cartesian coordinates. Besides, the unit of the cartesian coordinates is Angstrom.

* The TCCDB website is programmed by Yang-Yang Zhang. If you have coordinate files, welcome to upload them to TCCDB !


  • A24 data set: accurate CCSD(T)/CBS interaction energies with further corrections
  • Silicon and Germanium Clusters
  • Biomolecules
  • Binary Lennard-Jones Crystals
  • CageBreaks library for analysing supercooled liquids

    A collection of python utilities for identifying cage-breaking rearrangements between successive configurations of systems that model supercooled liquids. Uses the methodology presented in V.K. de Souza and D.J. Wales, J. Chem. Phys., 129, 164507 (2008) and S.P. Niblett, V. K. de Souza, J. D. Stevenson, and D. J. Wales, J. Chem. Phys. 145 (2), 024505 (2016)

    Download the library archive (tar file)
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